Fraxinus excelsior – European or Common Ash seeds x20


Large Tree, Frost Tolerant Medicinal Fast Growing

10 in stock

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European or Common Ash

Fraxinus excelsior

(This plant is not on the Australian Noxious Weed List.)

The European or Common Ash is a native of the United Kingdom and Europe where it prefers cool, deep soils in a moist, well-drained position. It is frost resistant but dislikes drought.

A deciduous tree growing to a height of 30 metres with a spread of 6 metres. Its trunk is slender with light grey bark; the leaves are opposite, compound with 7 – 15 leaflets each with serrate margins; the flowers are greenish or brownish purple, small and in axillary clusters. Fruit is a winged seed (samara).

The European Ash timber is much sought after being hard, fine grained and very durable and in many respects is preferred to the timber of the English Oak. It will take a high polish and is the toughest and most elastic of any timber tree.

The medicinal attributes of the tree have been used for centuries. The bark from the trunk and roots (roots preferred) is used as an astringent and bitter tonic and is said to have value as an intiperiodic. A decoction has been used extensively in the treatment of intermittent fever and ague and is considered useful for the removal of obstructions of the liver and spleen. It was also used for rheumatism of an arthritic nature. The leaves have a diuretic, diaphoretic and purgative effect proving a useful substitute for Senna.

A decoction of the leaves was considered good when mixed with white wine for dissolving stones and curing jaundice.

Offered is a packet of 20 seeds with propagation notes.

All my seed is posted in bubble wrap protection.

AUSTRALIAN BUYERS. Payment by PayPal is preferred but Direct Deposit is welcome.

INTERNATIONAL BUYERS. Payment via PayPal please.

Terms & Conditions.

Ole Lantana Seeds will not be responsible whatsoever for actions taken by the customer after receipt of the goods, this includes germination results, crop performance or loss as these are beyond the control of Ole Lantana Seeds.

International buyers are responsible for knowing their countries importation laws.

NOTE: In order to protect our existing stock from outside contamination, we do not accept returns.

Item specifics

Plant Habit: Flowering Common Name: European or Common Ash
Climate: Cold, Sub-tropical, Temperate Season of Interest: Spring
Sunlight: Full Sun Watering: Medium
Genus: Fraxinus Type: Tree
Foliage: Deciduous Soil pH: Neutral
Species: excelsior Soil Type: Clay, Loam, Peat, Sand
Plant Hardiness Zone (°C): 2 (-10 to -5 °C)


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