Tagetes patula cv – Marigold Durango Mix seeds x 50


Annual Double Cut & Dried Flower

19 in stock

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Marigold Durango Mix

Tagetes patula cv

This plant is not on the Australian Noxious Weed List

This cultivar of the Marigold is a much-branched plant growing to 20 – 30 cm (8-12 in.) bearing yellow, orange, red or two-tone flowers 2- 2 1/2 in. across. An early flowerer, they are one of the first flowers of early summer.

The flower petals may be used in salads after removal from the bitter flower base.

Marigolds are considered easy to grow, easy-care and make excellent cut flowers.

Offered is a packet containing in approx. 50 seeds and Grownotes.

All my seed is posted in bubble wrap protection.

AUSTRALIAN BUYERS. Payment by PayPal is preferred but Direct Deposit is welcome.

INTERNATIONAL BUYERS. Payment via PayPal please.

Terms & Conditions.

Ole Lantana Seeds will not be responsible whatsoever for actions taken by the customer after receipt of the goods, this includes germination results, crop performance or loss as these are beyond the control of Ole Lantana Seeds.

International buyers are responsible for knowing their countries importation laws.

NOTE: In order to protect our existing stock from outside contamination, we do not accept returns.

Item specifics

Plant Habit: Flowers Common Name: Marigold Durango Mix
Climate: Cold, Sub-tropical, Temperate Season of Interest: Spring
Sunlight: Full Sun Watering: Medium
Genus: Tagetes Type: Dwarf
Foliage: Annual Soil pH: Neutral
Species: patula cv. Soil Type: Clay, Loam, Sand
Plant Hardiness Zone (°C): 4 (0 to 5 °C)


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