False Queen Annes Lace

Ammi majus – False Queen Anne’s Lace seeds x100


Annual Cut or Dried Flower Folk Medicine

8 in stock

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False Queen Anne’s Lace

Ammi majus

This plant is not on the Australian Noxious Weed List

A native of Southern Europe, Turkey and North Africa where it prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soils but is somewhat adaptable to soils. A tall, upright, annual growing to 30-90cm (12-36in) with a spread of 30cm (12in) it likes a full sun to part shade position.

A cottage garden favourite, it produces numerous white flowers in an umbel, resembling lacework. It is used as a cut and dried flower in the florist industry (drying must be done in darkness to preserve the flower colour).

The ancient Egyptians used this plant for skin diseases. Modern usage is as a diuretic and has antispasmodic properties. It is also used as a cardiac tonic for the treatment of angina, palpitations, weakness, wheezing and coughs. It is also used as an aromatic spice that has the flavour of Thyme.

It is also known by many common names such as Bishop’s Weed, Bullwort and Lace Flower. Ammi majus is sometimes confused with roadside Queen Anne’s Lace, Daucus carota, a fairly common weed.

This plant grows readily from seed.

Offered is a packet of approximately 100 seeds complete with Grownotes to assist you in their propagation.

All my seed is posted in bubble wrap protection.

AUSTRALIAN BUYERS. Payment by PayPal is preferred but Direct Deposit is welcome.

INTERNATIONAL BUYERS. Payment via PayPal please.

Terms & Conditions.

Ole Lantana Seeds will not be responsible whatsoever for actions taken by the customer after receipt of the goods, this includes germination results, crop performance or loss as these are beyond the control of Ole Lantana Seeds.

International buyers are responsible for knowing their countries importation laws.

NOTE: In order to protect our existing stock from outside contamination, we do not accept returns.

Item specifics

Plant Habit: Tall, upright annual Common Name: False Queen Anne Lace
Climate: Sub-tropical, Temperate Season of Interest: Spring/Summer
Sunlight: Full Sun/Part Shade Watering: Medium
Genus: Ammi Type:
Foliage: Soil pH: Neutral
Species: majus Soil Type: Clay, Loam, Sand
Plant Hardiness Zone (°C):
4 (0 to 5 °C)


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