The Dahlia of old, a 2 metre plant with huge blooms which required staking, is long gone. The modern Dahlia is divided into 6 groups based on the flower and usually grows to 1 metre tall. The groups are:
Cactus or Semi Cactus – double flowers whose petals revolute (roll backwards for half their length;
Decorative – Double flowers with flat-tipped petals, largest flowers, tall plants;
Pompon – Double flowers, globe-shaped, small flowers, petals revolute;
Anemone – small flowers with one or more rows of flat petals that resemble an anemone;
Collarette – flowers small to medium have large, flat ray petals surrounding an open centre. A wreath of shorter petals, often of a different colour, forms a ‘collar’;
Peony-Flowered – semi-double flowers with an open centre; and
Mignon – delicate, single, open flowers with a prominent yellow disc in the centre.
The Early Bird Mix grows 45cm high and has a mixture of brightly coloured, double and semi-double blooms in a mixture of shades of red, yellow, orange, rose, pink and white. It is a compact, uniform and early flowering variety. They are ideal for pots, tubs, borders, beds and make excellent cut flowers.
Offered is a packet containing 50 seeds and Grownotes.
All my seed is posted in bubble wrap protection.
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INTERNATIONAL BUYERS. Payment via PayPal please.
Terms & Conditions.
Ole Lantana Seeds will not be responsible whatsoever for actions taken by the customer after receipt of the goods, this includes germination results, crop performance or loss as these are beyond the control of Ole Lantana Seeds.
International buyers are responsible for knowing their country’s importation laws.
NOTE: In order to protect our existing stock from outside contamination, we do not accept returns.
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