Black Wattle
Acacia leiocalyx
(This plant is not on the Australian Noxious Weed List)
A native of New South Wales and Queensland from the Burnett area down to the Sydney Plain and extending inland from the north and central coasts, the northern tableland and north-west and central west slopes and northern plain of NSW and the corresponding areas of Queensland. It is an evergreen small tree/shrub growing in an open sunny position. It is not fussy about soils and will tolerate frost and drought.
A small tree or tall shrub with slightly fissured bark; the leaves (phyllodes) are elliptic to narrowly elliptic, straight to falcate (sickle-shaped) 7 – 18 cm long with 3 or more longitudinal veins prominent; the flowers are usually held in pairs in the leaf axils, are rod-shaped and pale yellow; the fruit are pods constricted between each seed and are twisted or curled. This plant is often confused with Acacia concurrens as it has an overlapping habitat except that it extends inland.
This plant grows readily from seed.
Offered is a packet of 30 seeds and Grownotes to assist you to grow this tough wattle.
All my seed travels safely with bubble wrap protection.
AUSTRALIAN BUYERS. Payment by PayPal is preferred but Direct Deposit is welcome.
INTERNATIONAL BUYERS. Payment via PayPal please.
Terms & Conditions.
Ole Lantana Seeds will not be responsible whatsoever for actions taken by the customer after receipt of the goods, this includes germination results, crop performance or loss as these are beyond the control of Ole Lantana Seeds.
International buyers are responsible for knowing their countries importation laws.
NOTE: In order to protect our existing stock from outside contamination, we do not accept returns.
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