Harpephyllum caffrum – Kaffir or Wild Plum seeds x10


Evergreen Medium Shade Tree Edible Fruit Medicinal No Frost

18 in stock

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Kaffir or Wild Plum

Harpephyllum caffrum

(This plant is not on the Australian Noxious Weed List.)

An evergreen medium tree that grows in South Africa, Natal, Swaziland, Mozambique and into Zimbabwe. It does not like frost.

A medium tree growing to 15 metres tall with an equal spread in its natural habitat. The stem is straight and smooth when young turning to dark grey-brown and rough as it matures. The leaves are shiny, dark green and pinnate while the leaflets are falcate (sickle shaped); the branches are curved upwards and the leaves are crowded at the end of the branches forming a dense canopy; the flowers are male and female on separate trees; the fruit is a green drupe ripening to red in autumn and contains a single seed.

The fruit is edible but somewhat tart and is used for making jellies, jams and rose wine. The bark is a traditional medicine to treat acne and eczema in the form of a facial sauna or skin wash. Burnt and powdered bark is used to treat sprains and bone fractures. Root decoctions were taken for paralysis thought to be brought on by sorcery.

The bark is also used for dyeing (mauve or pink) and the timber is pale reddish, heavy and polishes well but is not very durable.

The fruit is utilised by animals, birds and insects.

Offered is a packet of 10 seeds along with grownotes to assist you in their propagation.

All my seed is posted in bubble wrap protection.

AUSTRALIAN BUYERS. Payment by PayPal is preferred but Direct Deposit is welcome.

INTERNATIONAL BUYERS. Payment via PayPal, please.

Terms & Conditions.

Ole Lantana Seeds will not be responsible whatsoever for actions taken by the customer after receipt of the goods, this includes germination results, crop performance or loss as these are beyond the control of Ole Lantana Seeds.

International buyers are responsible for knowing their country’s importation laws.

NOTE: In order to protect our existing stock from outside contamination, we do not accept returns.

Item specifics

Plant Habit: Fruiting Common Name: Kaffir or Wild Plum
Climate: Sub-tropical, Temperate Season of Interest: Summer
Sunlight: Full Sun Watering: Medium
Genus: Harpephyllum Type: Tree
Foliage: Evergreen Soil pH: Neutral
Species: caffrum Soil Type: Clay, Loam, Peat
Plant Hardiness Zone (°C): 5 (5 to 10 °C)


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